CT-376 Computer Communication Networks
Theory = 3 | Nil |
Practical = 1 |
S. No. | CLOs | Taxonomy | PLO Mapping |
1 | Discuss basic computer network topologies and reference models. | Coginitive Level 2 | PLO-2 |
2 | Explore the operation and design issues of OSI Layers. | Coginitive Level 3* | PLO-3 |
3 | Build Computer networks on various topologies. | Coginitive Level 3* | PLO-5 |
Introduction: Introduction to basic concepts of networking, LAN, MAN, WAN. Data Communication: Data communications model, data transmission, analog and digital data transmission, transmission impairments, channel capacity. Network topologies: Bus, Star, Mesh, Hybrid topologies. Layered architecture: OSI and TCP/IP reference models. Physical Layer: Transmission media, standard physical cables, interfaces, bitstreams, signal encoding techniques, multiplexing and demultiplexing, Transmission modes and media types. Data link Layer: ARP, multiple access techniques, circuit switching and packet switching, LAN technologies, wireless networks, MAC addressing, networking devices, spanning tree protocol. Network Layer: IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, subnetting, CIDR, routing protocols, Transport Layer: ports and sockets, connection establishment, flow and congestion control, Application Layer: Data format and conversion, session maintenance, user interfacing.
RECOMMENDED BOOKS- Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum and David J. Wetherall, 6th ed., Pearson,2021.
CT-361 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System
Theory = 3 | Nil |
Practical = 1 |
S. No. | CLOs | Taxonomy | PLO Mapping |
1 | Recognize the key components of the artificial intelligence (AI) field and its relation and role in Computer Science. | Coginitive Level 1 | PLO-1 |
2 | Describe artificial intelligence techniques, including search heuristics, knowledge representation, automated planning and agent systems, machine learning, and probabilistic reasoning. | Coginitive Level 2 | PLO-2 |
3 | Apply AI techniques to a wide range of problems, including complex problem solving via search, knowledge-base systems, machine learning, probabilistic models, agent decision making, etc. | Coginitive Level 3 | PLO-4 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Branches of AI Application of AI knowledge, types of knowledge, acquisition of knowledge, Knowledge engineering. Problem representation and problem solving strategic, state spaces, searching techniques. Blind search techniques. Informed search techniques. Knowledge representation techniques. Frames, Scripts, Semantic networks. Implementation of knowledge representation using PROLOG. Fundamental of Expert System. Component of Expert System Developments, Cycle of Expert System. Case studies Elize, Mycin. Natural language processing, Speech processing, Introduction to Robotics, Computer vision, Neural Networks, and Machine learning.
RECOMMENDED BOOKS- Artificial Intelligence By Example: Develop machine intelligence from scratch using real artificial intelligence use cases, Denis Rothman, 1st ed., Packt Publishing, 2018.
- Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, George Lugar, 6th ed., Addison Wesley,2008.
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig, 4th ed., Pearson, 2021.
CT-362 Web Engineering
Theory = 3 | CT-175 Programming Fundamentals |
Practical = 1 |
S. No. | CLOs | Taxonomy | PLO Mapping |
1 | Explain the need of Web Engineering approaches for Web Application Development. | Coginitive Level 2 | PLO-2 |
2 | Apply appropriate Client and Server-Side Techniques and Technologies for Web Application Development. | Coginitive Level 3* | PLO-4 |
3 | Practice the use of modern tools and techniques for Web Application Development. | Psychomotor Level 3* | PLO-5 |
WWW Technology: Internet and WWW History; The Internet and Intranets; Web Browsers & Web Servers; Web Application;URLs and navigation;TCP/IP and ports; HTTP Interaction; Client Request and Server Response; MIME; The Dynamic HTTP Protocol;Static vs. Dynamic Content;3-Tier/n-Applications.Web Site-Planning and Development: Web-site Goals; Planning Stages; Content Development; Site Map Development; Web-Site Design Principles;Style Guides; Web-Site Hosting; Web-Site Design Tools; Web Page Programming Tools; Data Processing Tools; Maintaining and Monitoring the Web-Site. Client Side Programming: HTML and DHTML – Tags, Linking, Forms, Event, Dynamic Style, Positioning; Document Object Model; Client Side Scripting Language; Java Script / VBScript; Browsers Variations; Java Script / VBScript Samples; Embedding Multimedia in Web Pages; Using ActiveX in Web. Server Side Programming: Server Side Scripting Language; Web Server Configuration; Java / Active Server – Page Processing, Cookies, Built-in Objects; Web database access; ODBC and JDBC; Active Data Objects; Database Queries-SQL; Data Exchange and Interoperability – XML; Concepts of Multimedia: Multimedia Hardware – Input and Capturing Devices, Output Devices Communication Devices; Text Image Animation, Sound and Video; Text in Multimedia TTF, OTF; Image in Multimedia – Color Types, Compression File Formats; Sound in Multimedia – Recording Sound, Quality, MIDI, Digital Sound, File Formats: WAV, MP3; Video in Multimedia – Broadcast Standards, Digital Video,Compression, Recording Formats, File Formats. Web Tools: Site Builders- Dreamweaver: Introduction, Working with Layers, Tables, Images, Forms and Frames, CSS, Site Navigation, Web Animation, File Transference-Cute FTP:Configuring web-site, Logs, Searching Transferring files, Stopping and Resuming, Scheduling. Multimedia Tools:Fontlab:Creating Font, Encoding Glyphs, Transformation, Hinting, Editing Font Metrics, Exporting. Image Drawing and Editing Tools, Sound Editing Tools, Video Editing Tools.
RECOMMENDED BOOKS- Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using, HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl, CGI, Ivan Bayross,4th revised ed., BPB Publications,2019.
- Principles of Web Design, Joel Sklar, 6th ed., Cengage Learning,2014.
- Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications, Gerti Kappel, Birgit Proll and Seigfried Reich, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
CT-367 Theory of Programming Languages
Theory = 3 | CT-175 Programming Fundamentals |
Practical = 0 |
S. No. | CLOs | Taxonomy | PLO Mapping |
1 | Explain the underlying theory of programming languages. | Coginitive Level 2 | PLO-1 |
2 | Enable a student to apply the appropriate Language for a Project. | Coginitive Level 3 | PLO-2 |
3 | Practice to learn the formal lexical, syntax and semantics design for programming languages. | Coginitive Level 3 | PLO-10 |
Models of Computation. Syntax and Semantics. Pragmatics, Language Design Principles. Syntax and Semantics: Context-Free Grammars Regular Expressions, Attribute Grammars and Static Semantics, Algebraic semantics, Axiomatic Semantics, Denotational Semantics. BNF grammars and Syntax, Operational Equivalence, Abstraction and Generalization, Expressions, Assignment Statement, and Control Structures. Functional Programming: The Lambda Calculus, Recursive Functions, Inference Engine, Concurrency.
- Nil.
- Nil.
MT-442 Numerical Methods
Theory = 3 | Nil |
Practical = 0 |
S. No. | CLOs | Taxonomy | PLO Mapping |
1 | Explain numerical method to solve system of linear equations and non-linear equation. | Coginitive Level 2 | PLO-2 |
2 | Apply numerical method to solve system of linear equation and non-linear equations in relevant engineering problems. | Coginitive Level 3* | PLO-2 |
3 | Apply numerical differentiation and numerical integration in relevant engineering problems. | Coginitive Level 3* | PLO-3 |
Error analysis: types of errors (relative, absolute, inherent, round off, truncation), significant digits and numerical instability, flow chart, use any computational tools to analysis the numerical solutions. linear operators: functions of operators, difference operators and the derivative operators, identities, difference equations: linear homogeneous and non-homogeneous difference equations, solution of non-linear equations: numerical methods for finding the roots of transcendental and polynomial equations (secant, Newton – Raphson Chebyshev and graeffe's root squaring methods), rate of convergence and stability of an iterative method, solution of linear equations: numerical methods for finding the solutions of system of linear equations (gauss-elimination, gauss-jordan elimination, triangularization, cholesky, jacobi and gauss seidel), interpolation &- curve fitting lagrange's, newton, hermit, spline, least squares approximation, (linear and non-linear curves), numerical integration & differentiation: computation of integrals using simple trapezoidal rule, 1/3thsimpson's rule, 3/8th simpson's rule, composite simpson's and trapezoidal rules, computation of solutions of differential equations using ( Euler method, Euler modified method, Rungekutta method of order 4), numerical solutions of partial differential equations, optimization problem (simplex method), steepest ascent and steepest descent methods.
RECOMMENDED BOOKS- Numerical Methods for Engineers,Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Higher Education,2021.
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, 10th ed., John Wiley & Sons,2020