Engr. Vanesh Kumar
Lecturer (CS&IT)
Thar Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology (TIEST)- A Constituent College of NED UNIVERSITY
Contact Information vanesh.kumar@neduet.edu.pk +92-333-2506890
Teaching Experience
Industory Experience
Administrative Positions
Class Advisor /CS&IT Department TIEST - A Constituent College of NED UNIVERSITY
October 2019 to PresentMember, BoR (DL) – IT Department, NEDUET
January 2020 to PresentNCEAC Co-ordinator/ CS&IT Department TIEST - A Constituent College of NED UNIVERSITY
April 2022 to PresentFYP Supervisor / CS&IT Department TIEST - A Constituent College of NED UNIVERSITY
October 2022 to August 2023Career Counselor / CS&IT Department TIEST - A Constituent College of NED UNIVERSITY
October 2019 to PresentFaculty Coordinator for Co-Curricular Activities/ CS&IT Department TIEST - A Constituent College of NED UNIVERSITY
October 2019 to PresentInternship Coordinator (TIEST) - DIL Department / CS&IT Department TIEST - A Constituent College of NED UNIVERSITY
January 2021 to June 2022
- Soft Skills
- Leadership
- Team Work
- Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Emotional Intelligence
- Computer skills
- Programming (C,C++, Python,Scripting,SQL)
- Web Development(HTML,CSS)
- DataBase(MYSQL, Oracle)
- Networking Tools(Packet Tracer, eNSP)
- Online Teaching Tools(GSuite, Teams, ZOOM,AnyDesk)
Professional Affiliation
Course Taught
- Compiler Design
- Computer Communication Networks
- Design & Analysis of Algorithms
- System Analysis & Design
- Introduction to Database Systems
- Discrete Structures
- Programming Fundamentals
- Fundamentals of Information Technology
Research Interest
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Information Technology in Health Science
Research Grant
- Nill
- Nill